Personal Financial Consulting

What’s your money story?

  • When the stock market has a major decline, do you open your quarterly statement, or ignore it?
  • Does buying a second home make sense?
  • Is there a way to leverage my debt to increase my long-term financial stability?

Everyone has financial questions, and the answers should be based not on general rules of thumb, but on your personal financial situation and your own “money story.”

At TAM Financial, we offer fee-only financial consulting to help you build a path toward your unique vision of the future—including the assets to support that vision. We begin by taking the time to listen to and understand your personal “money story.” What is your history with money? Do you base your financial decisions on emotions or financial facts? How much have you earned and saved, and what are your financial goals?

Once we understand these key factors, we work together to help you identify, articulate, and achieve specific short-term and long-term goals. Carefully considering your complete financial profile, we provide educated, insightful guidance and advice to help you make better day-to-day decisions and create a strategy to help reduce taxes and grow existing assets wisely and effectively. Depending on your specific needs, we may assist you with any number of the following:

  • Estate/legacy planning
  • Advice on employee stock options
  • Lump-sum distribution advice
  • Second opinion on financial planning & investments
  • Real estate investments
  • Mortgage brokerage
  • Business planning and defined benefits plans

Whether you are facing retirement and are worried about outliving your income, concerned about managing employee stock options, or thinking about your family and the legacies you want to leave behind, we’re here to help you think creatively about your life and the financial choices available to you.